Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Business Decision: Cease Operations and Permanent Closure

Closure. That's what I needed after all these years. So I looked for the courage to do it on the haystack that is full of self-doubts, regrets of what was and what could have been, and loneliness. But looked I did.

So I had the closure. I felt so sad about ending something I want but I don't need. I felt so sad about saying goodbye to someone I enjoy being with but shouldn't be. I felt so sad about choosing to be alone when I am lonely.

But we are still friends, you confirmed. NO. We can't and you know that. You know why. You are everything to me but a friend. We can't.

Can we still see each other? NO. It's impossible to do that and stay platonic.

I had my closure. And part of that is to cease operations. I hate to see you go. But I'd hate myself if I let you stay.

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